The piano is probably one of the most popular instruments.  It can be used in every genre of music and can be played along with other instruments, or individually.  Personally, learning how to play the piano was one of the best things as far as musicianship.  It added a further understanding of music and how it works.  To learn how to play the piano, you have to understand the range of pitch and the capability of the instrument.  Also you have to understand how it is played.  The piano involves a full motion between your left and right hand and can create a rhythm and melody simultaneously. Here at Asound Academy, you will learn the basic fundamentals of rhythm, melody, and harmony on the piano.  As a member you will also have access to advanced lessons and tips to further your progression as a musician.  Learning how to play the piano will help you learn other instruments in the future and will also allow you to play any genre of music.  Welcome to Asound Academy.  I hope your visit is worth your time!
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